- Address: North Road, Cardigan Ceredigion SA43 1LT
- Email: cardigan@menevia.org
- Telephone: 01239 612615
- Website: http://www.ourladyofthetaper.org.uk
- Clergy: Canon Pius Valummelmalayil
- Services:
Sun 10.30 am. nb: 9.30 am on Remembrance Sunday
Hdays Please see newsletter
Wkdays Please see newsletter
Rosary Before Mass every Sat
Sacrament of Reconciliation Sat 11.00 am Sun 10.00 am and by appointment
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament – Half an hour before weekday Mass, and after Saturday morning Mass. - Parish Groups: Hospitality, SVP, Guild of St Stephen, Shrine Support, CAFOD.