Please Complete Our Safeguarding Survey

The Catholic Safeguarding Standards Agency is completing a safeguarding audit within the Diocese, and would like to hear the views of as many people as possible regarding the safeguarding service provided. All responses are received anonymously, unless you choose to provide your contact details or other identifying information.

At the Catholic Safeguarding Standards Agency, we are committed to ensuring that support is available to any person who has experienced abuse within the church environment; free and independent support is available from Safe Spaces at:

The Catholic Safeguarding Standards Agency adheres to the national policy of reporting all disclosures of abuse to the statutory authorities (where sufficient identifiable information is known). Please be aware that any previously unreported disclosures made in this survey, or in subsequent contact with the audit team, will be reported to the relevant statutory agency; the decision to report will be made in conjunction with you, and an anonymous report can be made on your behalf if you prefer.

More information about the CSSA audit programme, and a privacy notice, can be found at:

Click here to complete the audit: