Safeguarding Sub-Committtee
Appointed by the Bishop of Menevia and acting on his and the diocesan trustees’ behalf the sub-Committee has both advisory and supportive functions. The sub-committee receives all national policies and via the Safeguarding Manager, implements and updates them across the Diocese as required.
The Menevia Diocesan Safeguarding Sub-Committee works closely with and monitors the work of the safeguarding team, meeting face to face quarterly. It consists of representatives from , all of whom have a background in safeguarding procedures and implementation. Whilst the Safeguarding sub-committee is part of the structure of the Diocese, it has a degree of independence and objectivity i.e. to join the sub-committee you do not necessarily have to be a member of the Church.
The Safeguarding Sub-Committee is dedicated to supporting the abused during any investigations by enabling and encourages processes whereby they are always listened to and have their complaints acted upon.
The members of Menevia Diocese Safeguarding Sub-Committee are as follows:
Maria Battle (Chair)
Janet Dorey
Kathryn Bowen
Colin Greenwood
Karen Jones
Susan Watson
Sr.Nora Ryan
Fr Laurence Obotamah (Clergy safeguarding lead)
Terms of reference can be found here :