Following the publication by the National Synodal Team of the Document for the Continental Stage of the Synod (which can be read here), parishes and parishioners were asked to submit some thoughts and views on the Document. After reflection and prayer on these responses, Archbishop Mark was asked to submit a report of his discernment to the Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales, which can be read here.
The responses from each bishop will now be taken to a gathering of representatives from the different countries in Europe for further discernment on the theme of the Synod this is the main part of the Continental Stage.
This will be followed by the Synod of Bishops in Rome in October (the Universal Stage). This is the final stage of the Synod, where responses from each continent, fed by the responses from parishes and parishioners in each country, will be brought together and considered on a worldwide level. A graphic timeline of the Synod can be seen here.
Please continue to keep the Synod in your prayers, that it be guided by the Holy Spirit so that the Church can continue on her journey of deepening her sense of communion, participation and mission.